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Catalyst Notifications Week 4

Mar 2021

The Catalyst Notifications project has reached the end of week 4; you can read more about the service and our aims. But in summary, we’re looking to help Charities/Non-profits with notifying their service users by launching a service based on GOV.UK Notify. This is what we have been up to this week.


  • Week 4 has been a good week with some great progress from the team. 
  • We had a constructive call with Cecilia and the Catalyst branding team to ensure we follow the proper guidelines. 
  • The GOV.UK Notify web copy was modified to make it clear this service is from Catalyst.
  • We are looking forward to launching the Alpha soon! 


  • I shared the DNS records with the Catalyst team so that we can move from our temporary domain to the new catalyst subdomain for Alpha.


  • Successfully deployed the API and Admin applications to a new `production environment.
  • Wrote and tested new database migrations to overwrite the defaults that are only applicable to GOV.UK, not Catalyst Notify.
  • Update the signup process, removing the requirement to sign up using a government email address and updating the list of “service types” to focus on the charity sector.
  • We moved our documentation from Notion into the open-source GitHub repositories.


  • Changing email branding from GOV.UK to Catalyst
  • Updates to branding after call with the Catalyst team
  • Copy changes
  • Help fix deployment issues related to assets

We plan to start testing with some users early next week, so if you would like an invite, please drop us a line on [email protected].

Bit Zesty creates innovative digital products and services for corporations, nonprofit and startup organisations. Our experience working with charities and government organisations leave us well placed to understand their requirements and deliver them in a way that delights service users.

Get in touch with Matthew Ford ([email protected]) for more information about this project.

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